Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No Santa?!

Do you remember how old you were when you found out there was not a Santa? Well I don't... apparently my cousin told me when I was about 3 or something, but what is amazing is that I NEVER felt like I was missing out on something. As a 3 year old my mom told me about St. Nicholas. She also told me how Christmas is the only time of year that adults get to play. If I wanted presents I could play too, but if I didn't want presents I could tell anyone I wanted! (Anyone who knows my mom KNOWS that I would not have gotten presents!) Anyway, what child DOESN'T want presents?! Seriously, my mom was a genius! There was no freakout like the above picture. My parents didn't have to keep up the charade. I did not know what I was getting for Christmas and it was all a HUGE surprise still! The cool thing is that my family was able to focus on JESUS! My parents and I had a Christmas decorating party every year and we talked about Jesus and our Nativities as well as our kneeling Santa. As I got older it became a game where I would look up online when Santa was suppose to have gotten to my house and then we would open all of our gifts on Christmas Eve, because we go to visit family on Christmas day.

I don't feel as though I was cheated, I feel like Christmas means so much more to me today than most because of not believing in Santa. I don't know if all kids would take it the way I did, but for me as an adult I'm glad I found out so young! As I am going back in my memories of Christmases, I've begun to realize how much of my family's over the top Christmas house with multiple trees and all has Santa stuff in it... just a few items!

I've heard so much about kids freaking out when they find out.... so, how did you find out?

1 comment:

Amber said...

The picture that is posted that says "remember what they told you about Jesus too" is why I don't like the "lie" about Santa. If its a fun game, then I see no problem with learning about the character named Santa. But I do think that when children learn that adults lie to them about some things, they wonder what else we have lied to them about. If Santa is a myth, is Jesus? I love that your mom was honest!! She is a great lady!