Monday, May 4, 2009

Long Time coming...

So I just realized that it has been since November that I have posted. WoW! What has been wrong with me?!

God has grown me so much since November... I am trying very hard to be completely focused on God and not on the silly girlie things that it is so easy to get caught up in.

I had a D-Now planned April 17-19... The theme was THE TRUTH: Guys, Girls, and Dating. "I" had all these plans for it... Well a week before the D-Now some things happened and I had to change all the plans around.. Truthfully the D-Now was NOTHING like I had planned... Instead I can say that God showed up and showed out and we are still seeing fruit and growth off of that weekend. Girls and guys alike were changed! I can't wait to see what God has planned for our Student Ministry next!! If you ever need a camp or retreat speaker I highly recommend Jeremiah Verdin! He was one of my friends from college and he was AMAZING!!

Camp is planned for June 22-26th @ the Lake we went to last year... I love that place... God really shows up every time I'm there, even if it's a weekend with the fam. The theme is "Deeply Rooted."

God has really been working in me lately and I have realized that "I" named our student ministry. Our church staff and church counsel have all gone through simple church and as a church our theme is Round Oak Church - Rooted and Grounded in Love... Well our student ministry is named CONNECT... Connecting with each other and God... I think Connect was a good theme for Last Year, but now I see as since we are one maybe we should just be ROSM - Round Oak Student Ministry - Rooted and Grounded in Love, idk... just something I've been thinking about lately...

I'm trying to think of what has gone on since November... Well I got a dog in Feb!!! She's precious!! Her name is Jasmine, but we call her Jazzy!

That's basically my life in a nutshell... God, student ministry and my dog! hahaha WoW I need to get out more, maybe not I really love my life! :-)

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