Friday, October 15, 2010

Giving our Hearts away

As I sit on my bed writing this I relive conversations in my head I have had this week with females (teenagers and adults.) As women we are emotional beings. We sit and talk to one another about our problems ALL THE TIME! God created us to be emotional beings! It can be AWESOME! Most of the time females get caught up in the wrong type of emotion. The emotions of giving our heart away without the other person realizing they have something so precious. Watch this short Video from the Vancouver Film School that I found a couple of years back...

Even though this video is of a guy giving his heart away I think, as girls, we give ours away too easily. The guy might not even like us as more than a friend and we become attached to him and when he starts dating someone else our whole world shatters. Most of the time the guy has no idea what happened. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Guard your heart above all else,for it determines the course of your life." Guarding your heart is so HARD! We, as girls, like a guy and because he texts us back we think he likes us. He's actually just a nice person. We let pieces of our hearts get taken and broken by guys who don't deserve us. We fret and ask God to help us get over that guy, but why did we give him our heart to start with?
So, most of my friends know that when you go to the movies to watch a chick flick with me I say out loud "OH MAN, that would NEVER happen in real life!" Especially, when the leading male character shoots the girls a line like, "You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I can't believe you are mine!" Okay, PUKE! I totally made that line up, but it's so sappy I think I threw up a little in my mouth! But you get the picture. The media has made girls and guys believe that those lines are how amazing relationships start. In actuality those lines make girls think the guys are their Disney Princes. Side note: Disney has destroyed girls view points on guys. Guys are not that perfect, but heck, we aren't Cinderella!
On a personal note.... I have told my students for years that every time you kiss someone part of your heart leaves. I don't want my heart for my future husband to be a sliver of something that once was, that is where God comes into play! I found this next quote and I think it's awesome! I just wish I could find the Author, "God can heal a broken heart but He has to have all the pieces." Does God have all of your pieces or do you need to take some back? The only way to get pieces back is through prayer. Don't just give your heart away like the tin man in the video, but Guard it and don't let someone break it into pieces! Remember: Your relationship needs to be focused and built on God not your boyfriend! I leave you with One more scripture verse.

Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

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