Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's Talk about SEX, baby!

So yesterday, I  blogged on love and what that really is... I didn't go into romantic love, but it's in my drafts and I've already downloaded the pics to put in the blog, but today I found this article over at Relevant Magazine - Redeeming Sexual Brokenness and I about cried! This article is awesome! Seriously, it's about one woman's struggle with sex, porn, and masturbation.... TONS of females struggle with this, especially if they "awakened sex" too early. Now, what does it mean to "awaken sex?" It's such a churchy term. It means that maybe you were raped at an early age, sexually misused or abused, or were a bit whorish, like myself, before marriage. The pic to the left is of "love's first kiss." For Snow  White to be awakened she had to have love's first kiss... So, Prince (he doesn't have any other name other than Prince, lame I know!) gave that to her... I see this with us too... It's not like Snow White could go back into a deep sleep now that she has been awakened... Well, neither can we! Once our physical love has been awakened it cannot go back to being dormant. Sex is supposedly awesome during marriage and I can't wait, but it's hard to wait. I didn't wait and it has become harder to wait since then. The only way I get through is by prayer! I still struggle every day with lustful thoughts and it's hard not to act on those. I'm reminded of an old song by DC Talk, "I Don't Want It."  Here's my favorite part!
Yo, s-e-x is a test when I'm pressed
So back off with less of that zest
Impress this brother with a life of virtue
The innocence that's spent is gonna hurt you
Safe is the way they say to play
But then again safe ain't safe at all today
So just wait for the mate that's straight from God
Don't give it up 'til you tie the knot 
LOVE IT!! "Impress this brother with a life of Virtue!" Seriously, guys this is some good stuff! WHY?! Because we are called to be set apart! To be different! As Christians we aren't always like that. For Christians who are living a life for Christ it is always HOT when we see someone really living for Christ in every aspect of their lives! Even if you've messed up in the past it's really okay to start now and live a life of virtue, a life of freedom from sexual sin. A life that when you are asked you can say you don't do that stuff anymore! A life that glorifies God!
The innocence that's spent is gonna hurt you hits. There is a a lot of guilt that goes alongis such an important line. Sometimes we forget that we loose more than our virginity, but our innocence as well. Once that hits guilts with lust and sex. The guilt that one day the person God has created for you will be disappointed that you did not wait for them. The guilt of not being able to stop thinking or acting a certain way. The guilt of feeling as though you disappointed your family and more importantly your God. Even though we know God forgives us and so does out family, but that initial disappoint is still there (from our family). If you grew up in a Christian house hold like I did and your parents know then you know exactly what I am talking about. For me I have seen my parents show Christ in how they approached me. For a while I didn't want to tell my mom, like YEARS! I finally told her one day that I used to be sexually active and she still loves me! :) My dad helped me through tons of break ups and even more just by being there. My dad actually told me years after he found out (by reading my open journal) that I had been sexually active. Even though my parents support me now they were disappointed. They wanted me to stay pure... Heck, at one time I wanted to stay pure. Now, it's a battle to remain pure. I'm trying each day to stay pure after years of not being.

1 comment:

Ashley Williamson said...

GIRLFRIEND. You're so brave and bold. Thanks for posting this. I can definitely see how God has and will continue to use you to minister to young women everywhere. He can do some amazing things through your story, your brokenness, and your faithfulness. Again, thank youuuu! I needed this.