Wednesday, March 23, 2011

D-Now 2011

As I sit in my office on this Wednesday after D-Now I think of how GREAT our God is! I am physically exhausted and worn out, but seeing the transformation in our students lives was more than worth it! I can not tell you how blessed I am to have amazing friends! Our Theme for the weekend was from Romans 12:1-2. We focused on not conforming but being transformed by the gospel!

Jacob Johnson joined the Eastside crew this weekend with his guitar in hand! We did mostly hymns with a twist! This was not only good for our students to learn some old hymns but also for our church members who helped us out this weekend! I loved worshipping with all generations!

Jeremiah Verdin also came to be with us as our word slinger! He truly let God speak through him. I think that is the greatest compliment anyone can receive is to be known for allowing God to speak through you. He showed how we are separated from God and the only way to bring us back together with God is through the cross.

I knew our weekend was going to be awesome when we couldn't get any college students as leaders, Jeremiah's car broke down, and we had a student in the hospital. WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG?! No leaders, no speaker, and a teenager in the hospital?! Well, we have an AWESOME youth committee who led their own in home sessions! We sent Jeremiah's $$ early so that he had gas money to join us and get his car fixed! We took D-Now to my student in the Hospital. Jacob brought his guitar and sang and then Jeremiah shared about our weekend.

So, what did God do?! HE ROCKED OUR WORLDS!!! Romans 12:1-2 has impacted the lives of my students. They are becoming TRADERS! They are trading the things of this world for the gospel. The student of Eastside have embraced being Traders and my students are witnessing to nonbelievers in their schools through their lifestyles!! HECK YEAH!!! Other students are asking questions and wondering why my students are changing! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!

For my student praying about ministry
For my student who is sharing his faith with a Jehovah's Witness
For my students to continue to grow and embrace being a TRADER!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Wonderful testimony! Yeah, you know something good is coming when so many bad things happen. Praise God for the outpouring ya'll had! I miss you!!!