Thursday, September 1, 2011

Role Models

Who was your role model as a teenager? If you are a teenager who is the person you look up too the most? What do you look for in a role model?
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The VMA's were on this week and as I sat watching I realized how skewed our world has become. I am thankful that their are still role models that I'm okay with my students looking up to, but then you have people like Tyler, The Creator who could not give a speech because of it being so bleeped out. Honestly, I'm not a huge Justin Bieber fan, BUT he did thank not only God but Jesus. As a Youth Pastor I look at all of these stars and realize that our number 1 role model should be Jesus... I know it sounds cliche.... BUT we should look to one who is perfect instead of the flawed. If you can't hear the speech or even the music because of the bleeps is it really worth putting in our brains for us to use later?

I can remember my friends and I learning Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera dances in my living room... Wanting so much to dance like them.... or even be them... I realize now that with role models like that no wonder I had trouble seeking God.

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