Saturday, August 30, 2014

Memory Verse Boards

One thing growing up that my mom instilled in me was scripture memory. I constantly come back to it. A few weeks ago I created a quiet time book for my youth and added scripture memory to it as well. I have always been the type of person who will not ask anyone to do something they are not willing to do. I actually started the week before my youth with a verse not related to our quiet times. I also started just writing it on my arm.
Later that week I found an unused white board in a storage room in our church and changed it into a memory verse board for the week. I'm normally not a very creative person and have sat in awe of people who take sketch notes. You, know the people who draw as apart of their note taking. So, I decided to make the Memory Verses fun by adding pictures to help me remember!
So far I have memorized a verse a week for 5 weeks!! I am still writing it on my arm, the board, but have added 2 more things. #1 I have an alarm set on my phone for 11:30am. That way right before lunch I go over the memory verse of the week EVERYDAY! #2 I have begun writing it on a mirror in our home by the door we frequent the most to go outside! So, the scripture for the week is literally everywhere!!

How do you memorize scripture? Do you have a set routine?

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