Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Have you ever felt like there is a season in your life that is on its way, but you have no idea what that is?

My best fall photo.
Growing up in Virginia I loved the seasons! Every season is completely different. you knew when it started getting hot out that it was almost time for school to get out for summer, but my favorite was knowing that school was about to start because of how tall the corn had gotten.  The two seasons I loved the most we don't have here in South Georgia, Fall and Winter. The change into Fall is my absolute favorite time of year! You wake up one morning and a crispness hits your face and you know the leaves are about to change and it will be sweater weather soon!

I miss the leaves changing colors and the crunchy sound under your feet, but most of all I miss the change. You knew a change was coming. You knew things would not stay hot forever. A cool change was coming.

In the season of life that my husband and I are in we are feeling that a cool change is coming, but the hard part is not knowing when or how. We are in an uneasy part of life almost like "waiting for the other shoe to drop" or will this be the cool change? This is not a fun feeling at all, but this is where we are right now. Where does God want us? What does God want us to do? I keep reminding other people of Paul's words to the church at Philippi about being anxious. Funny thing, I am being anxious! Sometimes we think God is talking through us when in actuality He is talking directly to us!
Phil 4:6-7
With the change in seasons comes some amazing things! I hope your change this season is a happy one!

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