Sunday, October 10, 2010

Glutton?! Hoarder?! Sinner?!

So, what am I? A glutton, a hoarder, or just a plain sinner? I have been very VERY convicted of what I have and how much of what I have... Last week I did laundry for the first time in 2 or 3 months... I did 13 loads of just CLOTHES! Seriously, what kind of a person has this many?! When I was home for the summer I packed up 7 bags of clothes to go to goodwill and tonight i took two GIANT arm fulls to a clothes swap. I'm trying to give away all the clothes I don't wear or like. I'm tired of feeling like I have so much when so many people have so little. I still have a ways to go and would love to learn to live off of much less than I do so that one day I can give away most of what I earn.

I am about to be very transparent, but I believe a lot of my problem is when I get stressed I shop. I used to smoke when I was stressed, but when I stopped smoking I started shopping to help with the stress. So, now I have tons of clothes and one body to wear it all!

Tonight we had something fun! It was called a Clothes Swap. 10-15 girls brought clothes and it was separated into the makes like pants, shirts, accessories, etc. I am lucky because I had to be at church tonight so I couldn't stay during the swap time, I just dropped clothes off and left. I went back after the swap was over and got 2 pair of pants out of what was left. I love that most of the clothes, I liked, were gone so I couldn't bring more home!! All of the left over clothes and items are going to the Swap Shop here on campus since we know Seminary people are totally POOR!!! Some of the clothes I took to the swap still had tags on them and others I know I had never worn, but I took the tags off of them. How ridiculous is that?

I think I am with clothes how some people are with food... They eat and eat even when they aren't hungry or when they are stressed. It's a sin and it just so happens to be a sin that everyone can see when it comes to laundry WEEK or even when I don't wear the same thing twice in 3 months. In 2 Timothy 3:1-9 it gives sins and one of those is not having self control. As much as I believe I  have self control, I love to shop. Do I really have self control if I have more clothes than I can wear in 3 months? I think NO! Which means one of my sins is very visible and one that I struggle with... So, now I'm on the war path to live a simpler life... If I buy new clothes I'm getting rid of the old or I might just continue to get rid of the old! :)

So what is your secret sin? What is the one you struggle with? Is it as visual as being a glutton for clothes?

1 comment:

Steph said...

I definitely have the same problem, but I've gotten better about it over the past year. I'm now on a strict spending budget where I only get a certain amount of money to spend on things twice a month. I've also made it a point to only buy something if it's replacing something I used to have or if I can make at least three completely different outfits out of it. And when I get stressed, I go shopping, but I don't take my money with me. So I can enjoy the experience without the buyer's remorse. I've also made it a goal to see how many new outfits I can make out of what I already have.

I like going shopping without money because, as weird as it might sound, this is time that I have to myself. It gives me time to reflect and time to spend with God. I have time to pray in the car. I have time to get my mind off of everything else and talk to Him and reflect on what's going on. And I don't have the stress of buying things I don't need...because I can't!

Anyways...sorry for the novel, but I can definitely relate...and maybe some of these tips will help!